1. What services do we offer?

Private consultations with our specialists. For a list of our specialists, please visit the ‘SPECIALIST’ page or for further details, please contact us on (03) 9458-5100.


2. How do I make a booking?

To schedule an appointment or for any further enquiries regarding our consulting rooms, please call reception on (03) 9458-5100.


3. Do I need a referral?

Yes, you need a current referral to see our specialists. This will ensure you can claim your entitled rebate from Medicare. With a current referral we can claim the rebate for you on the day of your appointment.


4. How long does a referral remain current?

A referral from a specialist is valid for 3 months only. A referral from your GP will be valid for 12 months, or longer if specified by your GP.


5. What do I need to bring with me on the day?

It is ideal if we can have your referral letter and all relevant results sent to our rooms prior to your appointment. If this cannot be the case, please bring your referral and relevant results with you on the day. Please ensure you have your Medicare card and health insurance details also.  Please bring a list of current medication.


6. What fees and charges apply and how are they billed?

Please contact reception for initial and follow-up appointment fees for specialists on (03) 9458-5100. Accounts are paid on the day of the appointment and the Medicare rebate can be claimed at the time of payment.

Further fees may be required if you need to have blood tests, scans or other tests.


7. Will I be able to claim from Medicare or my Health fund?

For a consultation in private rooms you will be covered by Medicare. When you are an inpatient, you are covered by your health fund.


8. What do I do when I arrive at the clinic?

Please present to the front reception desk when you arrive for your appointment. Our front door is located just off the car park. Follow the sign ‘Main Entrance’ and just before the top of the ramp, turn right and enter through this door.


If you require the use of the ramp, please enter the building through the door at the bottom of the ramp. Staff will need to open this door for you.